The U.S. gov't may be allies with Israel, but t...
We live in the United States of America. The country founded on "freedom of expression, liberty, and justice for all"....but that is not the case... Former President John F. Kennedy's...
The U.S. gov't may be allies with Israel, but t...
We live in the United States of America. The country founded on "freedom of expression, liberty, and justice for all"....but that is not the case... Former President John F. Kennedy's...
This did NOT start on Oct. 7th!
Today is Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 and the genocide of palestinians did not start on October 7th. When did it begin? I know where. The Haifa Massacre 1937, Jerusalem Massacre...
This did NOT start on Oct. 7th!
Today is Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 and the genocide of palestinians did not start on October 7th. When did it begin? I know where. The Haifa Massacre 1937, Jerusalem Massacre...
Although many Rothschild family owned slaves and corrupt AIPAC owned politicians would like you to believe otherwise, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is NOT BY ANY MEANS A "COMPLEX" ISSUE but stands as...
Although many Rothschild family owned slaves and corrupt AIPAC owned politicians would like you to believe otherwise, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is NOT BY ANY MEANS A "COMPLEX" ISSUE but stands as...